# 7.4 演示案例 ### 占卜8号球 ### - 占卜8号球,向它问一个问题,然后摇动它,点阵显示屏显示出它的答案。 ```python from microbit import * import random answers = [ "It is certain", #当然了 "It is decidedly so", #绝对是这样 "Without a doubt", #毫无疑问 "Yes, definitely", #是的,当然 "You may rely on it", #你可能会依靠它 "As I see it, yes", #在我看来是的 "Most likely", #很有可能 "Outlook good", #看起来不错 "Yes", #是的 "Signs point to yes", #结果指向正确 "Reply hazy try again", #不太清楚再来一次 "Ask again later", #稍后再问一次 "Better not tell you now", #最好先不告诉你 "Cannot predict now", #现在还不能预测 "Concentrate and ask again",#集中注意力再问一次 "Don't count on it", #别指望了 "My reply is no", #我的回答是 不 "My sources say no", #我的占卜结果说 不 "Outlook not so good", #看起来不太好 "Very doubtful", #充满疑惑 ] while True: display.show('8') if accelerometer.was_gesture('shake'): display.clear() sleep(1000) display.scroll(random.choice(answers)) sleep(10) ``` ***温馨提示:***由于中文编码问题,现在micro:bit主板还不能显示中文。