# Onboard LED Pico:ed includes an onboard LED. This LED is a firmware status indicator that flashes rapidly several times when reset and every 5 seconds when the program is idle, and this LED is programmable. ## Attributes ### `led` The instance of class [Led](#d1QQW) represents the onboard LEDs. ## Classes ### `class Led(pin)` It is to represent an LED. - **pin -** Led pins > `**on**` Turns on the LED. > `**off()**` Turn off the LED. > `**toggle()**` Toggle the LED state. > `**deinit()**` Deinit the LED and release the pin. ## Example 1. Blink1 ```python import time from picoed import * while True: led.on() time.sleep(0.5) led.off() time.sleep(0.5) ``` 2. Blink2 ```python import time from picoed import * while True: led.toggle() time.sleep(0.5) ``` ##