# Programming Environment Preparation for Pico:ed V2 ## Download and Install the Software --- When you start coding on Pico:ed, we recommend using the integrated development environment Thonny, which you can install by choosing the appropriate version for your computer system. Download link:[https://thonny.org](https://thonny.org) ![](./images/pico-ed-V2-python-01.png) After the installment, click the “Options” from the drawer of the “Tools”. ![](./images/pico-ed-V2-python-02.png) Choose “Interpreter”and click “CircuitPython(generic)”, then confirm it with the "OK". ![](./images/pico-ed-V2-python-03.png) Once added successfully you can start programming, it is recommended to click on View and check the box to open the shell and Files view. ![](./images/pico-ed-V2-python-04.png) ## Installation Steps of the Firmware --- Download the firmware of Pico:ed: [elecfreaks-circuitpython-elecfreaks_picoed-en_US-7.3.0-ef.1-dirty20220712.uf2](https://github.com/elecfreaks/circuitpython_picoed/releases/download/v1.1.0/elecfreaks-circuitpython-elecfreaks_picoed-en_US-7.3.0-ef.1-dirty20220712.uf2) After downloading, press the BOOTSEL button to download. ![](./images/pico-ed-V2-python-05.png) Long pressing the download button and connet with the USB cable, release the button until you see a disk named RPI-RP2 on the computer. ![](./images/pico-ed-V2-python-06.png) Send the downloaded firmware to that disk. ![](./images/pico-ed-V2-python-07.png) Pico:ed will reconnet automatically after getting the firmware downloaded, then you will see a CIRCUITPY disk. ![](./images/pico-ed-V2-python-08.png) Now, you can start programming in code.py in CIRCUITPY. ![](./images/pico-ed-V2-python-09.png)