The Automatic Laundry Rack

The Automatic Laundry Rack


Build an automatic laundry rack with a micro:bit.

Quick to Start


micro:bit V2 x 1

Nezha expansion board x 1

360°servo x 1

Bricks x n

Bricks details

Connections Diagram

YConnect the micro:bit with the Nezha expansion board, connect the servo to S1 port and the soil moisture sensor to J1 port on Nezha expansion board.


Assemble it as the pictures suggest:

Video reference:

MakeCode Programming

Step 1

Click "Advanced" in the MakeCode drawer to see more choices

We need to add a package for programming. Click "Extensions" in the bottom of the drawer and search with "PlanetX" in the dialogue box to download it.

We need to add a package for programming. Click "Extensions" in the bottom of the drawer and search with "Nezha" in the dialogue box to download it.

Note: If you met a tip indicating that the codebase will be deleted due to incompatibility, you may continue as the tips say or build a new project in the menu.

Step 2

Programme as the picture shows:



While rainning, the detected value from the soil moisture sensor is over the setting point, the laundry rack folds back in case of the clothes getting wet; while the sun comes out, the the detected value from the soil moisture sensor is below the setting point, and the the laundry rack stretches out to dry the clothes.