Get to Know Chip Resistance

Get to Know Chip Resistance
In our latest blog "How to identify Color Circle Resistance Value", we have talked about how to read color circle resistance value. Beside color circle resistance, there are more resistance categories. In this blog, we are going to know some chip resistances.

Chip resistance is a kind of SMD components. Chip resistance has characters of small volume, light weight, high installation density, strong shock resistance and anti-interference, good high frequency capability, etc.. It is widely used to computers, mobiles, electronic dictionaries, medical electronic products, videos, electronic power meters and VCD machines and so on.

Usually, SMD components can be divided into 3 forms: rectangular, cylindrical and abnormity. And according to category, it can be divided into resistance, capacitance, inductor, crystal transistors and small integrated circuit, etc.. The nominal method of SMD components is different from ordinary components. In the following article, we are going to talk about the nominal method of chip resistance.

The resistance value of chip resistance is marked on the surface of resistance body just like the ordinary resistance. There are three nominal methods of resistance value but it is completely different with ordinary resistance.

1. Number Nominal Method (Frequently used for ordinary chip resistance)

Number Nominal Method is to mark 3 numbers on the surface of resistance body to show its resistance value. The first and second number are valid number, and the third number represents the quantity of "0" behind valid numbers. And the third number will not be an alphabet. For example, "472" is for "4700???span style="font-family: Arial;">", "151" is for "150???.