Seize your Time!-FreaksTimer
January 10, 2019Mechanical Arm
January 10, 2019Are you looking for an easy to use, absolute beginner level Arduino educator kit? Here’s an amazing one – FreaksCar, contracted but not simple, with many sensors to provide various scenarios?
Product Overview
FreaksCar is a robotic development platform, completely open source, new affordable, easy to use, no soldering no wires, and fun intro to programming, electronics, and robotics. It is geared towards kids of elementary-age and above, educators looking for an easy intro to robotics, parents eager to find something affordable but educational and fun, DIY enthusiasts, and more.It’s accompanying step-by-step lessons, simple enough for beginners, while being feature-packed enough to be a must-have for pro-users. No soldering required and has extended functions such as, soccer playing, wifi camera or robot arm. It includes everything you need to get started learning about robotics! Let’s start exploring the robot world, FreaksCar won’t be able to operate on Mars but it will definitely fuel your curiosity about robotics! You can follow the FreaksCar with Education for Arduino lessons such as:
- Learning to program your robot’s by Arduino
- Calibrating the robot’s continuous rotation stepper motors
- Using phototransistors to navigate by light
- Using non-contact infrared sensors to control
- Using App control FreaksCar by Bluetooth 4.0
- Using ultrasonic sensor to obstacle avoidance
- Using Buzzer on FreaksCar to sing a song
- Using Encoder to control the speed
- Retrofit more features by wood construction, such as assemble on camera
FreaksCar 1 And right now is the best moment to grab one without hesitation in case you miss out because we are holding a
Limited-Time Promotion
The program goes live from today to 20th, March. Customers will enjoy
- Early bird discount: each distributor account enjoys 10% off the original $69.98; each general account enjoys 20% off. Only 100 units available because we want to test the market reaction degree.
- Limit purchasing order: each distributor account can purchase a maximum of 5 units; each general account 3 units. Plan early and receive your customized educational Arduino car – FreaksCar won’t be able to operate on Mars but it will definitely fuel your curiosity about robotics!
Don’t have an ElecFreaks account? Sigh up here>>>
10 Trials of Reviewers Wanted
Email us via [email protected] if you are electronic blogger, DIY enthusiast, Arduino educator, etc..After filtering, we will send out 10 FreaksCars for experiment. FreaksCar 2
FreaksCar 3